Sunday, November 04, 2012

More COH-Oriented Research

I recently heard from Jennifer Park, M.A., that she is performing research into the "Impact of Hoarding on Parent-Adult Child Relationships and Family Functioning" as part of her doctoral dissertation in Psychology at the University of South Florida under the supervision of Professor Eric A. Storch.
As I write this post, she is trying to recruit up to five hundred adult children of hoarders to complete a confidential, anonymous online survey focusing on (1) parent/caretaker’s hoarding behaviors, (2) relationships within the family and with the hoarding parent/caretaker, and (3) impairment associated with the hoarding behaviors.

If you are interested in participating in Ms. Park's research, please visit for more information and for access to the online questionnaire. Thanks!

UPDATE: The research survey has been completed.


  1. Lots of info for children of hoarders, but for me its the other way around - I am mother of hoarding children, now adults and one living at home still filling up home

  2. I just received the following comment from a reader, but I deleted it in case they didn't want their email address to appear in public: I am interested in participating in the survey mentioned here. I clicked on the link but it says the survey has not been activated. Will you let me know when that will be available?

    Thanks for writing. Unfortunately, the survey is now closed. To stay up to date on similar research, I suggest visiting the Children of Hoarders website or their Facebook page.
